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My Quotes
Any signal is the sum of sine waves.
- Joseph Fourier
One picture is worth a thousand words.
- Confucius
A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle.
- Japanese Proverb
Truth without love is brutality. Love without truth is hypocrisy.
- George MacDonald
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
- John C. Maxwell
Don't use your people to build a great work; Use your work to build a great people.
- Jack Hyles
The value of a person resides in what he or she contributes, but not in what he or she receives.
- Albert Einstein
If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
- Nicola Tesla
Faith makes all things possible. Love makes all things easy. Hope makes all things work.
- Helen Rowland
A dynamic system of any order is the sum of first-order dynamic systems.
- Pierre-Simon Marquis de Laplace
Assets make things possible. People make things happen.
- R. W. Emerson
Love will find a way. Indifference will find an excuse.
- Jan Carlson
Standing on the shoulders of giants.
- Isaac Newton
“一切皆心造”,- 佛 陀
"一生利人以言",- 佛 语
"万世利众以书",- 佛 语
"百闻不如一见", - 孔 子
"一切都是最好的安排",- 菩 萨
“毫不利己,专门利人”,- 毛泽东
"自由,平等,博爱", - 法国座右铭
"铁肩担道义,妙手著文章", - 李大钊
"一生二,二生三,三生万物", - 老 子
"为众生开慈悲心,为有情续智慧命",- 佛 语
"君子有三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言",- 论 语
"被文明征服是幸运的,被野蛮征服则是灾难",- 泰戈尔
“自由的本质是拥有为人类社会服务的自由权利”,- 圣徒保罗
"明心、见性、布施、持戒、安忍、精进、淡定、圆觉",- 佛家之神道
"教育的真谛不是灌输而是点燃,一万次灌输不如一次真正的唤醒", - 苏格拉底
“不要和愚蠢硬碰硬,要学会向愚蠢低头 (这是佛系小乘派的最高智慧之一,即:内王、外圣)”, - 司马懿
"受人之辱,不动于色;察人之过,不扬于人;觉人之诈,不愤于人;藏器于身,待时而动;欲为苍鹰,勿与鸟争", - 司马懿
"无我(没有执着肉体)、无求(没有肉体之欲)、被求(灵体肩负使命)、无为(努力耕耘生态)、喜悦 (热心布施得乐)",- 百家之人道
“我这一生,没有敌人,看见的都是朋友和师长 (这是佛系大乘派的最高智慧之一,即:敬天、爱人)”, - 司马懿
"世上只有一种善,那就是知识。 世上只有一种恶,那就是无知", - 苏格拉底
"格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、共和",- 儒家之官道
"良好的开端是成功的一半", - 柏拉图
"因上努力,果上随缘", - 佛家思想
"人怕伤心,树怕伤根", - 谚 语
"无为而治", - 道家思想
“无畏布施”,- 佛 陀
My Thoughts
Brain develops while mind learns.
- Xie Ming
Wisdom is the state of the embodiment of understood truths.
- Xie Ming
Consciousness is the mental state in which knowledge-flows occur inside a mind.
- Xie Ming
Philosophy is the study of knowledge on the ground of human being's sensory data.
- Xie Ming
Science is the study of knowledge on the ground of sensory data from instruments and sensors.
- Xie Ming
If you want to understand the meanings of the universe, think in terms of space, vector and time.
- Xie Ming
If you want to understand the details of the universe, think in terms of systems, devices and materials.
- Xie Ming
Immersed in God’s love, I trust. Grounded on God’s compassion, I serve. Devoted to God’s glory, I perform.
– Xie Ming
Learning is a mental process in which repeatable, re-usable and transferrable knowledge is being represented and memorized.
- Xie Ming
Wisdom (智慧) refers to the mastery of knowledge, while smartness (聪明) refers to the efficiency of sensory systems.
- Xie Ming
Bachelor degree certifies your ability of learning knowledge; Master degree approves your skill of applying knowledge;
It's only Ph.D degree which indicates your readiness of creating knowledge.
- Xie Ming
We are living inside an ocean of signals which could be transformed into knowledge-flow by our minds.
- Xie Ming
Intelligence is the mental ability of transforming sensory signals to knowledge,
knowledge to knowledge, and knowledge to motor signals.
- Xie Ming
Invention is to change the world, while discovery is to understand the world.
- Xie Ming
Research is to create values by finding better ways of solving problems.
Research is not to create trivial results by applying known solutions.
Engineering works should never be counted as research works.
- Xie Ming
The greatest invention in human history is human language.
- Xie Ming
A human language, which consists of natural language,
technical language and programming languages,
is the outcome of invention motivated by discovery.
- Xie Ming
Research is to make progress, but not production.
War is to make peace, but not killing.
- Xie Ming
Mathematics is about the art of describing;
Philosophy is about the art of thinking;
Physics is about the art of explaining.
- Xie Ming
"厚爱薄情", - 谢 明
"觉因悟果", - 谢 明
"舍己报众', - 谢 明
"近王道,远霸道", - 谢 明
“做无为天下之事”, - 谢 明
"智能始于知、止于行", - 谢 明
"厚物利人,厚德助人", - 谢 明
"不恋假我,不忘真我", - 谢 明
"顺道积德,逆道失德", - 谢 明
"理论成果,永放光芒", - 谢 明
"无求、无为、无我、喜乐", - 谢 明
"真理最初在极少数人一边", - 谢 明
"智慧是一切慈与善的助缘", - 谢 明
"赞美佛菩萨,修行才伟大", - 谢 明
"内因谓之道,外因谓之德", - 谢 明
"宗学与宗教才是德育的基石", - 谢 明
"无乃因之空相,有乃果之色形", - 谢 明
"论人只讲优点,论事专注缺陷", - 谢 明
"修行的真实内涵是,修心、行善", - 谢 明
"文化是文明之根,文明是文化之相", - 谢 明
"法是宇宙之因果,法是科学之真理", - 谢 明
"在奴才的眼中,只有主子,没有巨人", - 谢 明
"世上最佳的行善是佛学提倡的法布施", - 谢 明
"教育乃财富之源头,教师乃财富之神宗", - 谢 明
"什么是形式主义?奉行骗上欺下之言行", - 谢 明
"抓资本,办教育,兴创新,促生产,乐消费", - 谢 明
"顺道者神助,逆道者魔助。骗上欺下者魔也", - 谢 明
"野蛮以暴力毁灭文明,文明以教育扫除野蛮", - 谢 明
"最聪明的人最不应该以最愚蠢的方式管理自己", - 谢 明
"什么是智能?知、识、思、想、行综合体之能力", - 谢 明
"宇宙最核心的道是: 因生果,果生因,因果轮回", - 谢 明
"只有智慧没有慈悲是魔,只有慈悲没有智慧是祸", - 谢 明
"末日审判是天神的特权,末日时晨是天官的令箭 ", - 谢 明
"顶级的脑力劳动是著书创作,而不仅限于编写文章", - 谢 明
"嫉贤妒能、骗上欺下的文化底色孕育了巨人们的悲歌", - 谢 明
"没有宗学作支撑的宗教是人类迈向更高文明的一大障碍", - 谢 明
"什么是哲学?它是用自然语言解释宇宙真理与真相的学问", - 谢 明
"文明社会的政府散财富民强民,落后社会的权贵聚财穷民弱民", - 谢 明
"如何做到即使上梁心不正依然下梁腰不弯?全民参与的选圣举贤", - 谢 明
"如何善化内心?如何善化生态?是佛学净土宗派的两个首要问题", - 谢 明
"不能带来和平的战争是残害生命,不能带来进步的科研是浪费钱才", - 谢 明
"发明始于心,发现止于脑。没有发明者的发明,就没有发现者的发现", - 谢 明
"如何不执着于外相?如何不执着于内念?是佛学禅定宗派的两个首要问题", - 谢 明
"什么是自由的社会?没有广义的垄断、没有广义的暴利、没有广义的倾销之社会", - 谢 明
"什么是科学?它是在哲学的基础上用技术语言(数学)解释宇宙真理与真相的学问", - 谢 明
"国家存在的真实意义,是为其领地的公民和居民提供修行的助缘,而非作恶的温床", - 谢 明
"谁是人的设计者?谁是人的制造者?谁是人的使用者? 是宗学与宗教的三个首要问题", - 谢 明
"什么是智理学?它是人工智能的简称,它是关于知、识、思、想、行能力之原理的学问", - 谢 明
"人生之路只有一条,即:修行。区别在于层次的高低。悟者,净心布施。迷者,浊心造孽", - 谢 明
"人类的文明与进步只能建立在大量的盖世成果之上,而不是形形色色的标签或大大小小的帽子之下', - 谢 明
"战争是解决冲突,实现和平,而不是杀害地球村民。同理,科研是解决问题,实现进步,而不是制造学术垃圾", - 谢 明
"人生的最高境界是无我且不忘我,即:不执着于假我而不受财色名利食的污染,不忘真我才会爱生命以及爱大众", - 谢 明
"当有人教你时,要用心学习。 当有人用你时,要用心做事。 当有人捧你时,要用心感恩。 当有人跟你时,要用心布施" , - 谢 明
"佛陀开示,一切皆心(Mind)造。大家知道,上帝是造世主的代名词。谁是造世主?心也!上帝存在吗?心在则上帝在", - 谢 明
"科学家的最高境界是做站在巨人肩膀上的凡人,而不是成为别人尾巴后的跟屁虫。 非正常的科研产量是巨大浪费的标志", - 谢 明
"发明类科研的三大评估标准是:有新,有料,有用。 同理,发现类科研的三大评估标准是:有新,有料,更好(含最好)", - 谢 明
所以,比仁义更重要的教诲是敬天爱人", - 谢 明
根源在于是让其公民的智慧发挥到极致,还是让其公民的愚蠢发挥到极致", - 谢 明
我从哪里来?六道之一或天堂 (极乐世界)
- 谢 明
History of Artificial Intelligence